Medicalholodeck is transforming surgery, clinical practice, and medical
education. Join us on March 15, 2025, for our annual conference and the
following Investors Meeting.
At the conference, clinical leaders in spatial medicine will showcase
their latest developments, share insights and future directions, and
discuss how AI is already improving their daily practice.
At our following annual Investors Meeting, Medicalholodeck and industry
experts will discuss recent successes, next steps, economic
developments, and the future direction of spatial medicine.
Explore how AI and smart medical data are improving surgery, clinical
practice, and training. Learn from leading surgeons who are leveraging
Medicalholodeck’s technology to enhance decision-making, improve
precision, and reduce surgery times - resulting in shorter procedures,
better patient outcomes, and lower healthcare costs.
Spatial Computing in Spine Surgery
Galal A. Elsayed
Assistant Professor and Neurosurgeon at Och Spine at New
York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine Director of Minimally
Invasive Spine at Och Spine Queens
United States
You Don’t Need a Simulation Lab: Preop Planning in VR for Academic
Surgical Practice
Mark Ryan, MD, MSPH,
Assistant professor Director of surgical critical care Children's
Mercy Kansas City
United States
Democratizing XR: A Solution Enabling Widespread Use Among Healthcare
Practitioners and Patients
Prof. Dr. med. Daniel
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology University
Hospital Bonn
Dr. Alexander
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology University
Hospital Bonn
Eye, Heart, VR: Exploring Surgical Planning in VR at LHCH
Dr Laurence
PhD Vision Science, MRes Health Science, BSc (hons) Orthoptics, PGCE,
PGCert HE, AFHEA Research IT System Lead - Research Analytics and
Technology Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom
Mastering the Maze: Challenges in Thoracic Surgery & the Ideal Surgical
Jan Arensmeyer,
Fellow Thoracic Surgery at University Hospital Bonn, Managing Director
Bonn Surgical Technology Center
Robotic Liver Surgery and XR
Haluk Morgül, MD,
Consultant Surgeon at General, Visceral, and Transplant Surgery at UKM
Uniklinikum Muenster, Germany
Medical VR in Conflict Zones. XR Case Reports From Syrian Civil War
Mohammed Alhamood
Neurologist at Tishreen Hospital Damascus, Syria
From Voxel to Patient: Selected XR Clinical Cases
Favio Reyna Bs, IB, BSc,
Radiologist. Chief of Radiology Department, DiagnostiX. Secretary,
Faculty of Medicine UFM
What’s Next in Dissection Master? A Deep Dive Into the Male Abdomen and Pelvis
Dr. Evan Goldman,
Director of Anatomy Penn State College of Medicine
United States
From Isolation to Innovation: Breaking Distance Barriers in Medical Expertise & Education with the Virtual Classroom
Alexis Theodorou MD MSc FEBS/MIS
1st Propedeutic Department of Surgery
University of Athens, Hippocration Hospital
Anatomy Education in Burundi: From Paper to Spatial
Michael Harling, MD,
Assistant Program Director, General
Surgery, PAACS Kibuye. Associate Professor, Hope Africa University,
Bujumbura, Burundi. Assistant Professor, General Surgery Division,
Loma Linda University, CA, USA
Bringing Medical Education to the Next Level in Peru. Cayetano Heredia
University Goes VR
Carlos Vasquez
Biomedical Engineer, Faculty of Medicine,
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Medicalholodeck, together with leading surgeons, economists, and spatial medicine experts, will discuss how XR and AI are driving change in healthcare, clinical workflows, and the business of medical technology - today and tomorrow.