Heart Surgery with Medicalholodeck

Surgery planning with Medical Imaging XR at the University of Washington

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Medicalholodeck's XR technology helped a cardiologist to understand a man's acute problem amid multiple past fixes for congenital heart deficits.

Dmitry Levin is a heart-focused research scientist who has immersed himself in 3D imaging and modeling. He helps cardiologists understand patients’ unique anatomies and create individualized treatment plans. He’s been learning Medical Imaging XR – what views it can offer, which data sets are useful for which procedures – and slowly road-testing its capabilities in patient cases.

“All the information in a VR image comes from the patient’s CT scan. Making sense of that busy visual is akin to trying to read a map without a legend,” Levin said. “The physician has to communicate what structures they need to see depicted in 3D, and what can be left out.”

“This case culminated everything we’ve learned with VR” said Levin. UW Medicine’s Heart Institute is the only Washington hospital using the software, according to its Swiss manufacturer, Medicalholodeck.

Read more on the website of the University of Washington >

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