Remote Rendering

Location Independent Training and Education.
In Virtual Reality.

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Remote Rendering frees professional medical virtual reality from being tethered to computers and locked into VR labs. So far, VR headsets have had to be connected to high-performance computers to generate high-performance 3D imaging. These fixed installations and VR labs made it cumbersome to use the technology's advantages hospital-wide.

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Location Independent Training and Education.
In Virtual Reality.

Remote Rendering

Remote Rendering frees professional medical virtual reality from being tethered to computers and locked into VR labs. So far, VR headsets have had to be connected to high-performance computers to generate high-performance 3D imaging. These fixed installations and VR labs made it cumbersome to use the technology's advantages hospital-wide.

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With Remote Rendering, computers and cables are a thing of the past.

Access now high-quality medical imaging in VR with a lightweight standalone headset only. Untethered usage of medical VR offers great opportunities to medical professionals, educators, and students alike.

Virtual reality can now be used location independently in hospitals and universities. It makes case reporting, surgical training, and medical education independent of time and place.

Remote Rendering provides the flexibility and scalability needed in professional medical environments.

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For all Meta Devices From Meta Store ->
For tethered PC-VR From Steam ->
From Website For tethered PC-VR Download here

Key Features

Remote Rendering makes high-performance medical imaging rendering in VR independent of time and place available. Equipped with only a lightweight VR headset, you can use Medicalholodeck now anywhere and anytime. Laptops, computers, plugs, and cables are no longer needed.

Anytime. Anywhere

Use professional medical imaging in VR wherever you are, whenever you want. Remote Rendering makes location-independent use of medical VR possible. Use it in the patient room, the tumor board, or the classroom - with only a standalone VR headset.

Ease of use

Remote Rendering transforms Medicalholodeck into Software as a Service. No more updates, system checks, or hardware failures are necessary. Medicalholodeck is always available as your medical imaging XR infrastructure.

5G Ready

Medicalholodeck is ready for 5G. Work in teams with Remote Rendering from anywhere in the world.

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Professional Medical Imaging XR Infrastructure

Medicalholodeck's Remote Rendering service is your hospital's multidimensional medical imaging backbone. Use Medical Imaging XR with only a lightweight standalone VR headset - and forget about bulky laptops, computers, and cables. Make use of medical imaging in virtual reality wherever and whenever you need it.

Save Time, Space, and Money

Remote Rendering transforms Medicalholodeck into a Software as a Service. It saves your organization's infrastructure and administrative costs while being automatically updated and available 24/7.

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Use Cases

Case Reports and Tumor Boards in VR

With Medicalholodeck's Remote Rendering, case reporting and tumor boards can be held anywhere and anytime. No more fixed-installed hardware is needed, and medical professionals can join the board with a lightweight VR headset only.

Patient Information in VR

Inform your patients about their healthcare conditions in VR. With Remote Rendering, you can use professional medical imaging throughout the hospital without heavy laptops or fix installed computers. Just bring your virtual reality headset to the patient room, the examination room, or the tumor board, and use multidimensional medical imaging in VR - anywhere and anytime.

Medical Education and Training in VR

Easily create location-independent medical training sessions and surgery training in VR. Equipped with only a lightweight virtual reality headset, students and teachers can connect in VR and join anatomy classes, ultrasound training, and surgery training in a fully immersive virtual environment.