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Masters Course in Facial Reconstruction AO CMF NA Advanced Symposium
March 18, 2023 - March 19, 2023 | Lake Tahoe, California, USA This course will cover up to date early and late facial injury evaluation and repair, to include treatment planning and comparisons of planning and software available, implant materials and techniques, new methods of planning evaluation and comparative analysis. The goal of this course is to teach the combination of what is good from the old and combine it with opportunities of the new. We will discuss how to minimize the 'learning curve' with the introduction of new systems of treatment analysis and treatment planning.

Program + Registration >
Message from the Chairperson - Richard Hopper, MD, MS "At this course event participants will be joining the faculty in exploring the exciting world of augmented reality ( AR ) and virtual reality ( VR ) technology as an evolving teaching tool. This will be the first time in an AO CMF NA course that participants will be using this cutting-edge technology in the small group facilitated discussions of facial fracture cases. To help develop these new AO tools, participants will be asked to complete a brief survey comparing the AR and VR sessions with the traditional format. Welcome to the future of interactive AO CMF education!" Target Audience This course is primarily designed for attending surgeons in the fields of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ophthalmology and Oculoplastics. Senior Residents (PGY 3 and above) Fellows and young practicing surgeons may also find this course beneficial. For more information, contact info@medicalholodeck.com