Unveiling the Hand's Anatomy in Virtual Reality
Exploring Nerves, Arteries, and Structures of the Human Hand
In this interactive virtual reality lesson, Evan provides an introduction to the human hand's essential nerves, arteries, and structures. The initial dissections focus on identifying key features, such as the superficial branch of the radial nerve and the cephalic vein. Evan highlights the significance of the palmar aponeurosis, a superficial structure, and its role in revealing the flexor retinaculum below. Further exploration uncovers additional nerve and artery branches passing beneath the palmar aponeurosis.
I'm going to point out a couple of the structures you will look for during your initial dissections of the hand.
So the first thing is, is just deep to the skin you have some nerves. There's a superficial branch of the radial nerve right there. And here is a cephalic vein right there.
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Evan Goldman, Ph.D. Director of Anatomy, Associate Professor, Penn State University College of Medicine
Publication Date
June 2023

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