The Journey of Blood Through the Heart
Discovering the Fascinating Flow of Blood in the Cardiovascular System
In this interactive XR lesson, Evan Goldman, Director of Anatomy at Penn State University College of Medicine, will use 3D models and animations to illustrate how blood flows through the heart's different chambers. Evan will explain the role of the valves and how they prevent backflow. This lesson is an engaging and informative experience for anyone interested in understanding how the cardiovascular system works.
What I've done is I've opened up some of the chambers here so we can see the path of blood through the different chambers. There's a right side of the heart and a left side of the heart. Specifically, this is the right ventricle. And this is the left ventricle. These ventricles are separated by an interventricular septum.
This is a muscular wall between these two chambers. Externally, along the interventricular septum, there's an artery here. And this is one of the branches of the coronary artery, specifically a branch of the left coronary artery.
- English (Original)
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Evan Goldman, Ph.D. Director of Anatomy, Associate Professor, Penn State University College of Medicine
Publication Date
June 2023

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