Immersive Content for VR + AR


Exploring the Anatomy of the Human Arm

A Virtual Reality Journey through Tissues, Muscles, Nerves, and Vessels for Medical Students

This interactive virtual reality lesson focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the human arm. Evan presents ten consecutive dissections, exploring arm-to-hand structures. He focuses on tissue pathways, including cutaneous nerves and veins. Deeper layers reveal muscles, like the biceps brachii and flexor carpi ulnaris. Forearm muscles, tendons, and nerves are observed, tracing the brachial, median, ulnar, and radial nerves. Arteries, such as the brachial artery, ulnar artery, and radial artery, along with their branching patterns and superficial palmar arch, are visible. This virtual reality lesson provides a detailed journey of arm and hand anatomy for thorough understanding by medical students.


The arm model consists of ten consecutive dissections. I want to walk us through some of the major structures that we can see in these different layers with a focus on the pathways, the different types of tissues take as they move from the arm through the forearm and down into the hand.

We can start with a superficial dissection in which we can see the cutaneous nerves and veins as they're passing through the adipose and then going into the skin. We can also see this deep muscular fascia and tendons and muscles that are deep to that fascia on the anterior forearm.

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