Exploring Abdomen and Pelvis in Virtual and Augmented Reality
A Virtual Reality Journey into Structures, Retroperitoneal Realms, and Pelvic Complexity
In this interactive VR lesson, Evan explains the anterior abdominal wall, viscera of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal structures, and pelvic structures like the kidney, bladder, uterus, and ovary. This abdomen and pelvis record allows exploration of various anatomical regions, including the inguinal, femoral triangle, gluteal, and anal fossa regions. This VR lesson also showcases arteries of the pelvic cavity and deep pelvic structures, including nerves of the sacral plexus and autonomic nervous fibers.
The abdomen and pelvis model can be used to explore a number of anatomical regions in addition to just the abdomen and the pelvis. For example, over here we can nicely see structures of the inguinal region and on a deeper dissection we can see femoral triangle structures. External female genitalia and then posteriorly. We can see structures of the gluteal region. This triangle here is the anal fossa, and here we have the cord equina of the lumbar vertebral region.
I'm going to spend just a little time covering some of the basic structures that we can see of the abdomen and the pelvis, starting with the anterior abdominal wall. We can see some of the muscles that make up the wall. Here we see vessels here and here. This is inferior epigastric artery. Special care has been taken to assure that we can see the different membranes associated with the anterior abdominal wall.
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Evan Goldman, Ph.D. Director of Anatomy, Associate Professor, Penn State University College of Medicine
Publication Date
June 2023

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