A Virtual Introduction Into Knee Fractures
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery from Knee Trauma
The knee, a complex and crucial joint, can be significantly impacted by fractures due to trauma. While the severity of these fractures varies, the advancements in medical treatment and rehabilitation, including both surgical and non-surgical interventions, contribute to the remarkable resilience of the knee.
This immersive VR lesson emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, proper medical guidance, and a comprehensive rehabilitation program for optimal recovery, demonstrating the astonishing resilience of not only the knee itself but also the human body as a whole.
Welcome to introductory lesson about broken knees. In this lesson, we'll provide a brief overview of what happens when a knee is fractured and how it can be treated.
The knee joint is one of the most complex and crucial joints in the human body. It consists of the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and the patella (kneecap), all held together by ligaments and tendons.
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Tom Holodeck
Publication Date
July 2023

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